
I know it's such a damn cliche but I couldn't imagine my life without music, I play it, I sing it, I (try to) write it, I listen to it at every opportunity and now I seem to consume it faster than ever before which is why I take time out to write about it once in a while. I have previously written a little here about music and how I still love it the same way I did when I was 15 years old. This is the reason why I can't describe the feeling I get when I discover a beautiful piece of music, that first spark of realisation that what you are listening to is something special, something affecting and truly beautiful. I don't review music, I simply post about new-to-me music that I love and hope that other people will also discover and fall in love with too, so here goes....... First off are Honeybear, utterly beguiling music and beautiful illustrations.....I need say no more: Some perfect indie pop in the form of ...