Flash! Bang!

There is something about 'the nights fair drawing in' that makes me nostalgic for the winters and bonfire nights of childhood.

I know the history behind Guy Fawkes night but for me it's all about being 5 again and standing in my Aunt's garden all snug and warm, wooly jumpers having being dug out for the winter ahead, watching the fireworks explode over her garden and jumping every time a really loud one went off! When I was older it was the muddy walks in the dark to Crawl Park, with wellies and waterproofs where there would be a huge bonfire and us kids would be allowed sweets and sparklers (not at the same time mind) and we would watch the display with huge grins on our faces.

I would stand with my head tipped skyward and watch a woven gold brocade falling towards me and fountains of coloured sparks that are bright only for a moment. Stars burst and light up the dark then drift slowly to earth, fading as they fall. Beautiful tracer trails fill the night sky like rainbows, the comets and crackles and bursts and bangs, catherine wheels and whistles and the oohs and aahs of the crowd.

On Friday I will fill a flask with something to warm my bones, don my old duffel coat, hat, scarf and gloves and leave my flat. I will cross the road and climb the hill and gaze over Glasgow with the same childlike wonder only the sweets will be replaced with a wee dram. I can't wait!


deemikay said…
I missed a lot of the childhood memories of bonfire night by being abroad from age 6... I'll have to live it through my nephews instead!
Anonymous said…
My usual fare - rambling nonsense but I enjoy writing this stuff down. I'm scared I will start to forget these things and it's a nice outlet for the big child in me.
deemikay said…
"Rambling nonsense" is a good thing. It's what blogs are*. :)

* and should be

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