The best presents I have had all year are CDs brought home to Scotland from Austin, Texas.

There are 4 bands that I want to mention but Austin has a lot more to offer. I am not going to write any reviews, make what you will of the bands but I hope you at least tap your feet!

I can imagine listening to Hollywood Gossip with driving up the west coast of Scotland on a sunny day and bah-bahing along or while dancing in the heat of National Pop League in June. Perfect indie-pop for the lazy days of summer.

Mary Jo by Brazos is a song that I just can't get out of my head at the moment. I'd love to listen to this song on a PA in a really big hall just to hear the echos of it. Have a wee listen.

Voxtrot songs are made for indie discos in small darkened halls, listen to them turned up to 11. Go know you want to.......

And finally Oh No! Oh My!
Like Hollywood Gossip this is music for driving on a sunny day and dancing at indie discos!

Sing along.....bah, bah, bah-bah-bah...!


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