Fish and Ships

It's been too long! Good things have happened between my last post and now. Among other things I climbed my first lighthouse, I heard some live music which reaffirmed my faith in good music, went sailing on a proper sail boat, attempted to skim stones on a beach made entirely of stones and discovered a book which echoes the sentiments of this blog.

Okay, I'll start with the lighthouse. I know that by proclaiming that I climbed my
first lighthouse I am implying that I intend to climb more, well I am. I climbed Portland Bill lighthouse a couple of weeks ago and the photo below is one of many I took of the lens.

The visit to Portland Bill ties in with the sailing. This also goes hand in hand with, rain, a view of the Dorset coast, pretty seaside towns, fish and ships, playing board games, a whistling kettle, more rain, climbing rocks, flags, Old Gaffers, the Isle of Wight, drinking tea, more rain, Chesil beach, getting some sea-legs, getting sunburnt and last but not least saying 'Yarr me hearties!" in your best pirate voice.

Chesil beach is made entirely of stones and is 18 miles long. At the Portland end of Chesil beach the stones are about the size of my hand and very smooth. Apparently, the further along the 18 mile beach you go, the smaller the stones get, they're sorted by the tides. I will go to the other end one day just to see how small the stones are.

As for the music, I saw Mark Hamilton from Woodpigeon play live in Glasgow. I have had the pleasure of seeing Woodpigeon play in Glasgow twice but seeing Mark play solo was very special indeed. There was 'technical difficulties' at the venue so there were no stage lights, Mark stood in the dark while the audience was lit. It was a bizarre experience but the music was no less captivating. If you can,
see this band!

I will stop after this. Honest.

If you are reading this blog then you may appreciate “The Book of Idle Pleasures”. It is what it says it is, 100 simple pastimes that proves that the best things in life really are free.

Lovely stuff.

Okay, I'm done.



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