Open Swimmer

This is really just a quick post to mention a band I saw at The Captain's Rest in Glasgow last night. I didn't catch their name during their set so after the gig I went up to the singer to ask the name of the band, I did mean to stop at this question but ended up the gushing idiot you see at gigs telling the band how good they were with way too much enthusiasm! However, in my defence, the reason for this enthusiasm was that this was their first gig and they just looked, sounded and acted like seasoned professionals. Ben (the singer) was extremely polite and listened, with what seemed like slight bemusement, to my enthusiastic praise.

I only wish there were some songs from last night for you to hear, the music was simply beautiful. A small concession is that there are three videos of Ben playing the Tram Sessions here:

They are playing The Captain's Rest on 2nd of June, I for one will be there but will be sworn to silence this time!


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