So here is 2012 in all of it's shiny new, cold, dark, stormy glory.

This new year I have one resolution and that is to be happy. It seems so pathetic when written down, most people make tangible resolutions like lose weight, learn a new language or quit a particular vice which are all admirable but I want for nothing more right now than to simply be happy.

I have spent huge chunks of the last two and a half years being really unhappy due to my health, the health of my family and due to the employment that keeps a roof over my head but enough is enough. Things are so very different now to how they were a year ago, huge shifts in friendships, relationships and just life in general mean I have no idea what I am doing, where I am going or how I am going to get there but I am figuring it out day by day.

While all of the above may seem a little gloomy I am actually happy and I aim to keep it that way.

I am about to get involved in music again (hopefully with people that are less egotisitcal and much nicer than some of the musicians I have met of late!) and no words can adequetly describe how excited I am at this prospect.

More updates soon, I promise!


Anonymous said…
OH MY GOD Alice i/ we were aware you had been ill but this has me in tears,i wish i was there for you to help and you told me .I am so proud off you for what you are going through, and how you are dealing with it all you are my brave wee cousin .you have writen is a huge eye opner and will help people understand what you are and others go through ,and the daily battle you have .I hope that people who have the same conditions as you can read this and realise that they are not alone . Any time you need me i am here always for you ,but i know how indapendent you are and would rather do things privet and your way ,as long as you know we are here .All our love Marie xx

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