Scottish adventures in LoFi

The photo above was taken on a day trip made up of beaches, music, disused bunkers, a picnic, the Barrowlands, fizzy pop and smiles all round.

It was a typical March day, dreich and cold. As we trundled (yes, trundled along, it was early on a Sunday on the Scottish coast in March, what else do you expect, sprinting?) we were cheered by thoughts of the day to come.

First off it was a genteel stroll over Cramond Island, the jagged teeth of the breakwater leading the way. Cramond is an interesting island, think deserted war bunkers, whin bushes and graffiti all compressed into a wee island in the Forth. We found the right bunker by following the trail of people over the island. Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo were kicking off the first in the series of their Forth Island gigs on Cramond Island. The music was interesting, difficult and being played in a disused war bunker on an island on Sunday morning. The ultimate in LoFi, what more can I say?!

We explored the rest of the bunkers, the graffiti and the nooks of the island then settled down to watch the whipped up sea while nestled in some ruins eating our picnic.

After lunch it was time to leave Cramond for the sandy beaches of North Berwick. On a sunny day there is no room to swing a sandal but I would still recommend North Berwick, it a nice drive out there and you can't beat fish and chips by the sea after a day of frolicking on the beach buliding sandcastles and, if you're brave enough, swimming in Scottish coastal waters.

The day was not yet over, after our beach adventures in the east it was time to drive home to Glasgow and to the greatest venue Scotland has to offer, the Barrowlands, to see The Shins.The Barrowlands really is the place to see your favourite bands, some of the best gigs I have ever been to have been there. The Shins were unsurprisingly fantastic and as always I was the girl at the front visibly enjoying the music, dancing on the spot and singing along to my favourite songs.

As we made our way out of the Barrowlands and onto the street there were tired smiles all round.


Jen Davies said…
Lovely lovely day... xx

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